Edwards stripped of one of Wales's highest accolades

The former BBC presenter pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children.
2024-08-08 18:07:00

British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs

Adam Britton pleaded to 60 charges, which also included four counts of accessing child abuse material.
2024-08-08 08:08:48

Beauty contest sparks row over who counts as South African

Finalist Chidimma Adetshina's participation reveals a seam of xenophobia among some in South Africa.
2024-08-03 22:08:17

Beauty contest sparks row over who counts as South African

Post Content
2024-08-03 03:07:29

Huw Edwards in court for indecent image hearing

The former BBC newsreader is charged with three counts of making indecent images of children.
2024-07-31 10:42:41

Lies that led to downfall of a fantasist nurse

The fantasist had denied nine counts of fraud by false representation in court.
2024-07-16 17:08:22

German Bundeswehr soldier suspected of four counts of murder

Post Content
2024-07-04 19:08:24

Jeffrey Donaldson sent for trial on sex offence charges

The ex-MP is charged with rape, four counts of gross indecency and 13 counts of indecent assault.
2024-07-03 13:08:58

EU vote counts confirm French far right win amid Macron poll gamble

Post Content
2024-06-10 15:08:54

Can Trump run for president as a convicted felon?

Donald Trump has been convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. So what happens next?
2024-05-31 01:06:25

Watch: Trump calls trial 'a disgrace' after guilty verdict

The former US president was found guilty on all 34 counts on Thursday.
2024-05-31 00:06:47

Vatican tightens rules on supernatural phenomena

The new guidelines are expected to tighten the criteria for what counts as a divine apparition.
2024-05-17 16:08:22

Ex-Met PC jailed for multiple counts of rape

Cliff Mitchell's victims described him as "the devil" and "a pathetic excuse of a man".
2024-05-01 17:08:31

Girl, 13, charged after school stabbings

A girl has been charged with three counts of attempted murder after the stabbings at a Welsh school.
2024-04-25 20:09:30

OJ Simpson died surrounded by children and grandchildren, says family

The former American football star was cleared of two counts of murder in the "trial of the century" in 1995.
2024-04-11 17:08:33

Kuleba on US Congress: It's the result on the scoreboard that counts

Post Content
2023-10-31 06:09:19

Ukraine counts on German equipment supplies for economic recovery

Post Content
2023-10-24 23:19:23

Actor Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life for two rapes

The star of That '70s Show was convicted of two counts of rape in May 2023.
2023-09-07 21:20:56

Trump and 18 others charged in Georgia election inquiry

Donald Trump and 18 others are indicted on counts that include racketeering, perjury and theft.
2023-08-15 07:11:35

Nottingham attacks: Valdo Calocane charged with three counts of murder

Barnaby Webber, Grace O'Malley-Kumar and Ian Coates were stabbed to death on Tuesday.
2023-06-16 17:14:59

WhatsApp to allow users to edit messages within 15 minutes

The instant-messaging service, which is used by 2 billion people, counts India as its largest market.
2023-05-23 11:15:37

Csúcsrakétát tesztelt a csendes-óceáni nagyhatalom, nem sült el túl jól az akció

A Space One japán cég kis méretű, szilárd hajtóanyaggal működő Kairos rakétája az első indítás után felrobbant, ami jelentős csapást jelentett a japán rakétaiparra és a nemzetbiztonsági valamint kereskedelmi célú műholdak iránti növekvő igények közepette folytatott fejlesztésekre - számolt be a Reuters.
2024-03-13 10:07:38

Atlétikai csapat Eb: súlylökőnő ?röpködött? a gátak felett

Egészen hihetetlen jelenet játszódott le Chorzówban zajló atlétikai csapat Európa-bajnokság első vonalának szombati versenynapján, ahol Jolien Maliga Boumkwo szürreális, egyben a sportszerűség csúcsát jelentő helyzetben találta magát. A belga atlétanő pénteken még hetedik helyen végzett súlylökésben, egy nappal később mégis rajthoz állt egy olyan versenyszámban, amit egyáltalán nem neki találtak ki ? írja a Marca.com. A súlylökőnők alkata ugyanis szemernyit sem hasonlít a sprinterekéhez, ennek ellenére a belga válogatott kapitánya kénytelen volt Boumkwót a 100 méteres gátfutásban is elindítan...
2023-06-25 10:07:37

Alex Murdaugh indicted on 22 federal counts for alleged financial schemes

A federal grand jury has indicted disbarred South Carolina attorney and convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh on 22 charges in connection with schemes aimed at stealing money from his clients, according to the US Attorney's Office for the District of South Carolina.
2023-05-24 19:08:08

US actor Danny Masterson found guilty on two rape counts

Three women said the actor sexually assaulted them at his Hollywood home between 2001-03.
2023-06-01 02:14:46


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